Spiritual Healing

Wednesday 30 April 2014


IT'S NOT ALWAYS EASY TO CONTROL YOUR MIND AND EMOTIONS.It takes years and years of learning and understanding,so sometimes it's necessary to do something concrete and physical to break a negative cycle.Acandle flame is a symbol of hope.Make it your symbole and light a candle.Use it as a trigger to shift your mood.

Tuesday 29 April 2014


PLAY A PIECE OF BEAUTIFUL MUSIC .........................................and breathe deeply for a few minutes.On a sheet of  water-coloure paper that has been entirely painted with water,drop pools of coloure.Let the coloure make its own patterns and shapes.How can you interpret them? Look at your coloure choice.What does it symbolise?

Monday 28 April 2014

Be Grateful!

FOR WHAT TOU HAVE ......................without thinking of what you might have.Be grateful for who you are without thinking of who you might be.You are unique and can't be compared.Find the gift that you have to share.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Contact Your Higher Self!

QUIETEN YOUR MIND AND BODY BY BREATHING DEEPLY.Imagine a Shaft of White light above you,then visualise a small pinprick in the crown of you head.Draw this light,which represents your higher self,into your being.Hold a conversation with it.Ask for guidance.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Give yourself a Present!

The Present doesn't have to big.It doesn't even have to cost money.But it must be something you'd like.Giving to yourself isn't selfish or indulgent ............forget that critical self-talk.Remember that giving to anyone including yourself..........is nurishing.It fills the empty well.

Friday 25 April 2014


IT'S LIKE TAKING A BREATH .............................to consider or counting to ten when you 're about to blow up.It gives you time to change your viewpoint,to consider alternatives,to defuse your emotional reaction.A pause won't be an answer, but it might avoid a disaster.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Study the birds!

A BIRD SOARS WITHOUT  TRYING.To fly is part of its genentic inheritance.Lifting off  from  land's edge, a bird spreads its wings and trusts.In a symbolic way you too can give yourself wings.Think of a bird's effortless flight and fly beyond the fears that limit and ground you.Free yourself.

Wednesday 23 April 2014


WAKING IS MORE THAN A PHYSICAL ACT.The Simple,rhythmical action of placing one foot in front of the other calms your mind and activates both sides of the brain as the right arm swings forward in time with the left leg.The analytical left brain,with its attention to detail,can now work in combination with intuitive right brain,which sees the broader picture.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Watch the Sun Rise

Stand Silently And Watch the sun emerge from the horizon.At first it's a pale light that steals out of darkness,then it spreads and multiplies.Light gathers lighteness and colour,heralding the dawn.Darkness recedes.Light takes over and another day begins.

Monday 21 April 2014

Change the Way You Look!

The way you look is a  reflection of your innersslf. When you change the outer self  you fool the ego.By doing this you create a small crack in your emotional armour,Which then enables you to begin the process of change at a deeper level.Wear a colour,style or item of clothing that you don't normally wear.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Watch A Child Play!

Have you forgotten the simple pleasures of play?Remind yourself. Don't think you're too adult to play.Begin by building a sandcastle.Allow yourself.Play is instinctive.It's all about joy and laughter.You can't worry and play.Nor can you play and remain downhearted.Play is naturally uplifting.

Saturday 19 April 2014


THE JOY OF ANTICIPATING!What you would do with the Winnings is well worth the price of the ticket.By exercising your imagination in this way you might actually get in touch with what you really want to do in life.Whether you win or not,a lottery ticket might be the beginning of postive changes in your life.

Friday 18 April 2014

Move on, Move on

You Are A Traveller of Life,.Along the road there are detours that force you to take another direction.There are Small bumps and huge hurdles.As you come to the detours,bumps and hurdles,remind yourself to look beyond them.Move on, move on.Don't become paralysed  by the difficulty you see before you.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Take up a new Hobby

OR MAKE TIME ...................................for an existing one.Hobbies are Pastimes pursud out of love, free from pressure and untainted by money.They remind you about  ''Attiude '' it affects every part of your life.Imagine if you regarded your job in the same way you regarded your hobby.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Be Creative

OH  NO! You  say, I've never painted a thing in my life.Creativity is so much more than painting.Creativity is a necessity for life and living.It's the act of bringing anything into being through the power of your mind and imagination.Self-expression is the result of creativity.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Program Success

DO YOU HAVE UNATTAINABLE GOALS:- and make impossible resolutions?Don't set yourself up for failure.know your Capabilities and be patient with your progress.Plan ,Play and practise.Enjoy the process ,release you expectations and success will come in its own time and its own way.

Monday 14 April 2014

Do Something Practical

YOU CAN SEE THE RESULT  of  a Practical  act.You can't distort or magnify it as you might do with your problems.Doing  Something  practical  puts  you  in  touch with the real  World  again  by putting your ego back in its place and allowing you to develop a broader  perspective

Sunday 13 April 2014

Enjoy Time With A Friend

WHEN YOU'RE FEELING DOWN it's easy to become trapped by negative thinking.You keep your Own Company because you feel that no one else could bear to be with you.Don't be so hard on yourself! Friends are there to share every part of you.They don't expect you to be happy all time.By revealing your vulnerability you invit support

Saturday 12 April 2014

Think Positive

AN OPTIMIST SEES THE  BRIGHT SIDE                                                                                          of every Situation.

To bridge the gap between negative and positive sometimes seems impossible.It's not.You just need to acquire the skills of a mental acrobat,a juggler of thoughts.Take note and catch the negative,but throw the positive into view.

mind healing