Spiritual Healing

Monday 30 June 2014


IS AN UNDERESTIMATED WORD.It means giving someone the benefit of the doubt.It involves trust and faith.Kindness brings out softness and gentleness, it knocks the hard and brittle edges off people.It eliminates struggle.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Be Vulnerable!

YOU  MIGHT  THINK ..........that by being vulnerable you allow others to hurt you, but the opposite is true.By being vulnerable you invite support from others, you show that you are human, you are not perfect.You reveal yourself so that others may better understand and respect your whole being.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Give Yourself a medal!

YOU'VE ALREADY WON .............................................................................................and didn't know. Give  yourself  a  medal  for trying, and  for coping, existing and surviving.Take the striving and strain out of struggle.Celebrate the fact that you' re alive and unique, that you .............yes even you! have something wonderful to contribute.

Friday 27 June 2014

Consult the I Ching!

THE I CHING OR BOOK OF CHANGES....................... is an ancient Chinese text that is more five thousand year old.It's a book of profound wisdom, which is as relevant to our culture now as it was in the days of confucius,Dip into the I Ching in your spare moments or when you need inspiration.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Believe the best!


in everything you do, you have two choices to assume the worst or to believe the best of others.When you assume the worst, you condemn before a  'crime' is committed.When you assume the best, you allow the possibility of a positive outcome.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Gather your resources!

THINK ABOUT YOUR STRENGTHS and skills you know you possess.What mental and emotional qualities are you proud of?Start with these resources when you encounter difficulty and you'll move more easily from the ' known' throught the ' unknown''.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Take Comfort!

COMFORT  IS  whatever makes you feel more at ease.Comfort is a hot -water bottle, a bowl of soup, teddy bears, hugs and cuddles, a blanket, music, a soothing drink.You can even suck your thumb if it reassures and comforts you!At times every adult has a hurt and fearful, lost lonely child inside.

Saturday 21 June 2014



If you have hope you can allow for people and situations to change.You suspend judgement and expectation.In the midst of what feels like hopelessness you dare to imagine an improvement.Hope is life giving and affirming.It lifts finality away.

Friday 20 June 2014

This , too, will pass!

MAKE  THIS  YOUR  MANTRA, prayer , song  or affirmation.Repeat it, write it, pray it, remember it, visualise it.Know that your circumstances change, and that what is unbearable now might  be the making of you.Bless the situation for whatever it has to teach you about life.Learn graciously.

Thursday 19 June 2014

It takes two!

IN ANY SITUATION OF STRESS  or  conflict, remember it takes two.There are two protagonists, two sides of an argument, two sets of responsibilities and at least two outcomes.Look at it way you have half the load,half the answer, and you bear responsibility for half the blame and half the outcome.You need only  take care of your half!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Name your Emotion!

DISCOVER WHAT'S BEHIND  ........................your present  feeling.Draw an emotional map.Behind anger lies hurt, behind hurt lies an expectation, behind the expectation lies a belief. behind the belief there is an origin.Trace your belief back to its origin.Decide whether you want to change your belief.Then you can change your emotion.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Put Your hands in the earth!

BY  DOING  THIS  Literally  become earthed.Gardeners will tell you of the peace and enjoy they find digging amongst living, growing things.The earth gives you a sense of proportion; it helps you to accept what is.Everything has a pattern, a rhythm and a flow.Get in touch with these things.

Friday 13 June 2014

Face the facts!

DON'T  EMBROIDER,deny ,procrastinate or project.Face up to yourself, be honest and realise the part you've played in getting yourself into the difficult situation you're now in.Be brave.If you can admit your part then you can mentally throw off everything else that doesn't belong to you.

Thursday 12 June 2014

It's never too late...............!

TO MAKE AMENDS, to start afresh, to finish what you've begun to look at things in a new light and from new understandings.Be flexible enough to allow for change in yourself and others,even if you can't imagine how change is possible.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Seek Advice!

There are Always others who have been through similar situations to the one you're in now.Perhaps they can share what they have learnt.There are many trained counsellors and psychologists as well as other trustworthy people who'll give you an objective and rational veiew.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Pick flowers for the house!

Making time for an activity such as this will get you off life's treadmill for a short while.Bring colour and beauty into your surroundings.Put your heart and attention into choosing and then arranging the flowers.Your mood will automatically lift.

Monday 9 June 2014

Plan a holiday!

PLANNING A  HOLIDAY -------------------gives you permission to enjoy yourself, to take time off, to stop putting pressure and making demands on yourself.A holiday is a reprieve  it gives you something to look forward to.The very act of planning it makes you feel light and carefree.You're looking after yourself, nourishing all areas of your life.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Good things come in threes!

THINK OF THREE  good things to do things that will give you pleasure and happiness, that will bring back your zest for life and your belief in others.Then do them.

Saturday 7 June 2014

A Wondrous thing!

WONDER the ability to be in awe is a quality children have plenty of. It feeds their interest and joy in life.It motivates them to regard life as an adventure.If you're feeling a little jaded with your life, recapture the spirit of wonder.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Think about forgiveness!

YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE  to forget past wrongs and there's no reason why you should if they have taught you valuable lessons.Your past has made you who you are today, but in order to assimilate your past with your present, you need to forgive.Forgiveness comes from the heart and from understanding.You cannot have forgiveness without compassion.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


IMAGINE IF THINGS WERE DIFFERENT.........................Your imagination has the power to lift you out of seemingly impossible situations.Use it.It provides a temporary escape from negativity.Imagination helps loosen fixed attitudes.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Hear the Birds!

HAVE YOU EVER SAT QUIETLY .............................................................................................         in a garden or in the bush and listened really listened to the song of birds?
Let  their calls resonate and fill your whole being until you are aware of nothing else but the songs of birds.
Find your own song a song to rejoice and live for.

Monday 2 June 2014

Bathe yourself in blue!

BLUE IS THE COLOUR ....................of universal love.It is soothing  non-judgemental.Blue is also the coloure of the throat chakra, the spiritual energy centre, responsible for your personal expression.As you breathe in blue, see yourself relating kindly and lovingly to others.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Find Compassion!

It's the ability to look kindly on others without judgement or comparison.All the great religious teachers have taught compassion.Compassion implies acceptance and forgiveness and should not be confused with pity, which is a demeaning emotion.Be compassionate also with yourself.

mind healing