Since the full
moon pours down a tremendous amount of energy, you must be in a calm
state of mind to receive a positive effect. Remember that whatever is
going on in your body, mind and spirit will be amplified.
you are angry, you will feel angrier or if you are happy, you will feel
happier. During the full moon, the ocean swells and emergency rooms
have more patients. The energy is very powerful so it’s important to
direct it with positive intention.

1:-Refrain from arguing and getting angry:-
The full moon is the time to stay calm, let things go, breathe
deeply through difficult moments and forgive others for their mistakes.
Seriously, if you can’t let something go and need to communicate it
(which I recommend), try to postpone sharing your upset until at least
two days after the full moon. Whatever happens at this time is
multiplied. It’s like having emotional fertilizer. Keep the energy
moving in a happy, uplifting direction at home, work, in the car and in
your every day interactions.
2:-Think positive thoughts:-
all know we should think positively as much as possible but during the
full moon, you’ll have a wind at your back. Your positive thoughts will
be energized and multiplied. Even if you spend five minutes when you
wake up and go to sleep thinking about the positive things in your life,
you’ll be doing yourself a big favor.
3:-Envision your dreams manifesting:-
full moon is a perfect time to do your manifestation techniques. Spend
time imagining your goals and writing them down on paper. It’s also a
great time to make a vision or “manifestation board.”
To do this, place pictures and words of your goals on a cork or poster
board and place it where you can see it every day. Spending time
focusing on your dreams during the full moon gives it extra juice!
4:-Meditate by yourself or in a group:-
the full moon pours down so much energy, meditating during this time
creates calm, mindfulness and stillness. You can do it by yourself in a sacred space in your home.
You can also connect with other like-minded friends to meditate in a group. There are many spiritual centers, yoga studios and online groups that come together for a full moon meditation. It’s very powerful to meditate in a group.
5:-Send blessings to people in need:-
you have the full moon power behind you, send healing energy, forgiveness, pink light and loving-kindness to friends, family,
colleagues, and strangers. In addition, send peaceful energy to the
places in the world experiencing strife, hardship, poverty and war. It
has huge benefits for them and as a bonus, you create loads of good
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