Spiritual Healing

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Commune with Nature!

ALL LIFE HAS ENERGY...........................................................................................................
Discover the uplifting and healing power of nature,discover its special energy.Feel the sacredness of the earth and respect it as you would a loved one.Go into the bush and listen to the sounds of nature.Hear the rustle of wind in the trees, the creaking and sighing of branches watch the ants and the insects.

Saturday, 10 May 2014


''It's A BEAUTIFUL WORD''.It means give in not give up.Stop struggling.Stop fighting.Accept that the situation you face at the moment is beyond your ability to handle.Why think that you have to cope on your own?Why think that you are deficient if you don't have all the answers now?

Friday, 9 May 2014

Visit a Beach at dusk!

https://bellainnocent.blogspot.com It's a gentle passing, an adjustment from light to dark.Nature prepares to rest and recharge.It's a settling time.Be Still.Hear the sounds of the Ocean, wave upon wave.Everything passes.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Write a new script!

http://bellainnocent.blogspot.comhttp://bellainnocent.blogspot.comYour Mind has a Script for living.Every day you follow the words of your script,whether you're aware of it or not.Yoy think things happen to you,but in reality it is you who make things happen,according to your script.Take time to listen to the thought patterns you live by and   rewrite the scripts that no longer benefit you.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


http://bellainnocent.blogspot.comA STAR-STUDDED SKY ..........................is a magical sight.Light emerges from darkness,yet without the darkness the star is indistinguishable.A star -lite sky symbolises possibilities.Its vastness put your own life,your own Problms into perspective.Its beauty inspires.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


IF YOU HAVE A SPIRITUAL VIEW OF THE WORLD,prayer will  lift  you out of the depths.
Have faith and surrender to a higher intelligence.The act of prayer brings a measure of  peace and eventually,answers.If  you are a non-believer,imagine a group mind that is greater than your own and therefore capable of shedding light on your problems.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Breath in Light!

Breath it in through the pores of your skin or through the crown of your head.Suffuse your whole body with light.By doing this you change the quality of your energy,Which then affects your mental and emotional state.

mind healing