Spiritual Healing

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Good things come in threes!

THINK OF THREE  good things to do things that will give you pleasure and happiness, that will bring back your zest for life and your belief in others.Then do them.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

A Wondrous thing!

WONDER the ability to be in awe is a quality children have plenty of. It feeds their interest and joy in life.It motivates them to regard life as an adventure.If you're feeling a little jaded with your life, recapture the spirit of wonder.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Think about forgiveness!

YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE  to forget past wrongs and there's no reason why you should if they have taught you valuable lessons.Your past has made you who you are today, but in order to assimilate your past with your present, you need to forgive.Forgiveness comes from the heart and from understanding.You cannot have forgiveness without compassion.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


IMAGINE IF THINGS WERE DIFFERENT.........................Your imagination has the power to lift you out of seemingly impossible situations.Use it.It provides a temporary escape from negativity.Imagination helps loosen fixed attitudes.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Hear the Birds!

HAVE YOU EVER SAT QUIETLY .............................................................................................         in a garden or in the bush and listened really listened to the song of birds?
Let  their calls resonate and fill your whole being until you are aware of nothing else but the songs of birds.
Find your own song a song to rejoice and live for.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Bathe yourself in blue!

BLUE IS THE COLOUR ....................of universal love.It is soothing  non-judgemental.Blue is also the coloure of the throat chakra, the spiritual energy centre, responsible for your personal expression.As you breathe in blue, see yourself relating kindly and lovingly to others.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Find Compassion!

It's the ability to look kindly on others without judgement or comparison.All the great religious teachers have taught compassion.Compassion implies acceptance and forgiveness and should not be confused with pity, which is a demeaning emotion.Be compassionate also with yourself.

mind healing