Spiritual Healing

Saturday, 26 July 2014

There's no Comparison!

IT 'S  UNPRODUCTIVE  TO  COMPARE .......your situation with someone else's or to compare yourself with another person.If you do this you make yourself envious or a victim.In either case suffer unnecessarily.No situation is ever the same as your own,even if it appears to be so.And no person is like you.You are uniquely beautiful.Love yourself for who you are.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Put on your Sunglasses!

IT'S OFTEN THE CASE .........that just when you need to lift your mood  you're  too entrenched to find a way out.That's when you put on your Sunglasses with the pink, rosy lenses.Go on................it requires  more imagination than effort.Notice how everything is suffused with warmth and brightness.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Nothing is Set in Concrete!

DO YOU MAKE RESOLUTION MORE DIFFICULT................by looking at the damage after the event and saying:'There's nothing that can be done now?No matter what has been done or said in the past,you can always change your attitude towards it.It's never too late to make amends.Remember, what is now your present will soon become your past.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Avoid Collisions!

IF YOU GO HEADLONG ...........into battle the chances are you'll be injured.Find a way of operating that isn't confronting or threatening.Treat other people as human beings and try to dissociate your feelings about what they've said or done from a judgement about who they are.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Conserve your energy!

WHEN YOU'RE DEPRESSED YOU..................have no energy,you have no reserves.It's important, then , not to overload yourself.Make sure that you don't take on too much physically, that you get enough sleep, that you don't take on other  people's emotional baggage

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Don't be daunted....................!

BY THE ENORMITY OF YOUR TASK  or by the overwhelming hurdles you face.You can be absolutely certain of one thing: nothing stays the same and what was once a mountain in time becomes a small hill and then a flat plain.Perspectives change- even from one day to the next.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Climb a mountain!

MOUNTAINS ARE CHALLENGES.Visualise or climb a mountain.From the top you can see all that you've achieved.If there were nothing left to strive for in life,you'd give up.If you want your future to be different, you'll need to look forward to the next mountain.Begin with one small step and the rest will follow.

mind healing