Spiritual Healing

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Change your mind!

THE SIMPLEST WAY TO SOLVE A PROBLEM may be to change your mind about it.What prevents you from changing your mind?It's often pride and ego and a sense  of false loyalty or honour about the position  you've taken.Don't take yourself so seriously.Give yourself permission to change your mind.

Monday, 18 August 2014

We're all human!

WHEN YOU'RE IN CONFLICT with someone and you've both dug yourselves into intractable positions, it's useful to remember that the person you're facing is a living, breathing, at times fearful and insecure human being not a devouring monster.Don't demonise.It makes you a victim and it encourages fear.

Sunday, 17 August 2014


AFTER FORGIVENESS comes reconciliation.Reconciliation means moving from a position of hostility to a state of friendship and agreement.It involves reaching out.It brings peace and harmony.It restores balance.Reconciliation provides a firm foundation so you can move on from a position of strength.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Wisdom grows from experience!

WHEN YOU'RE  IN  A  TROUGH  and can't find a way out, remember that it's usually not until you're pushed that you learn.You have the opportunity to grow from a painful experience, so don't deny or reject new experiences.Let them bring you wisdom, and make your life easier.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Yes You can, no you can't!

DO YOU BATTLE WITH YOURSELF over the things you can't do?
Can 't is often based on fear and guilt.
Can is empowering and opens your mind to possibilities.
Can requires courage.
You have the ability.
Be affirming and assertive and say: 'I can , I can,I can!'

Thursday, 14 August 2014


YOUR BEST PROTECTION  from pain and hurt is to be honest with yourself and with others.You can be honest without being brutally honest there are many ways to speak the truth.You deceive yourself when you lie in order to protect others from hurt.It's more likely you're protecting yourself from confronting something you'd rather no face.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Heart Centre!

WHEREVER YOU EMOTIONS HAVE LED YOU,always bring your focus back to your heart, the centre of love.Meditate on your heart.Feel its beat.Breathe into and out from it and mentally repeat the words ''Love''.As you breathe you mantra feel the essence of love, of giving lovingly receiving lovingly.

mind healing