Spiritual Healing

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Be an active Participant!

IN  LIFE  and you'll sail more easily through adversity.If you're passive and wait for things to happen to you, you're not seizing your own freedom.You always have a choice in every situation.You can choose your attitude as well as your action.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Raising energy!

WHEN  YOU'RE  DOWN,Your energy becomes scattered and depleted.Visualise a spiral of light moving from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.Breathe in energy.Alternately  place your hands on your solar plexus while you breathe into and out  from it.Leave your hands there for at least five minutes.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Sleep Better At Night!

Did you know that certain nutrients can help you sleep better at night and be more productive and energetic during your waking hours?  

Emotional issues such as stress and anxiety can prevent you from sleeping properly and can lead to insomnia. To avoid it, consider adding some delicious foods rich with these seven essential nutrients to your daily diet to fall asleep faster and sleep better at night. They work like a charm!

Saturday, 6 September 2014

The ripple effect!

WHEN YOU THROW a pebble into water, ripples ruffle the surface.They spread out in ever-widening circles until they disappear and the water is still once more.Think of your difficult situation as that hard cold pebble.What are the ripples you've created around your pebble?Who beside yourself is affected by  what you've caused?Take time to reflect on the relationship between what you do and what energy you give out to others.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Clean out your wardrobe!

PASS YOUR OLD CLOTHES on to someone else.Your clothes cover and protect you.They are your interface with the world.They represent how you see yourself and what you show to others.By passing on your old clothes you make a symbolic act of change.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Heroes and heroines!

PROVIDE  MODELS  OF  BEHAVIOUR.They inspire and uplift.They represent your ideal.Find your heroes and heroines in history or books or present-day life.Read about them.Note what qualities you most admire.Pin pictures of your heroes and heroines in a prominent place.Look at them often.

Monday, 1 September 2014


WHEN A SITUATION BACKFIRES..............................you're often determined to act differently the next time.But determination will desert you in the pressure and emotion of the occasion if you haven't done some homework.Visualise yourself in the situation and act it out as if you were there.Use your five senses to bring your action alive.Practice will hasten a new pattern and improve your chances of success.

mind healing