of what has been written on the subject of positive thinking has been about how
to use it to accomplish material goals. However, positive thinking is an
important technique that you can use to
develop a positive attitude towards other people and in doing so, reduce the
unpleasantness of negative feelings such as anger and hate. This helps one to
developing love for other people which is an important step in spiritual evolution and
is an important purpose for which spirits incarnate on earth.
thinking is simply the process of creating a positive thought whenever you
notice a negative thought occurring in your mind. This practice has been
advocated by spirits in "Confessions of a Psychic" and "The Book
of James" by Susy Smith and in "The Betty Book" by Stewart
White. Ways of thinking are to a large extent determined by habit and by what
has been learned and practiced over a lifetime. You can use positive thinking
to learn a new way of thinking about other people. With practice, positive
thinking becomes automatic.
use positive thinking in this way, you must first notice when you are thinking
unloving thoughts about other people. Insight meditation can help you increase your awareness of unloving thoughts like
anger or hate because it helps you become more aware of emotions. When you find
yourself thinking an unloving thought, you need a way to create a positive
thought in a way that will help you break the habit of negative thinking.
- Perspective!
What you think about has a very large effect on how you experience reality. There are a number of things you can do to help maintain a positive perspective in life. - Count your blessings. Don't create a negative world for yourself by ignoring the good things in your life.
- Look for the good in yourself. Don't become so focused on your failings that you ignore the good qualities in yourself or the successes you have achieved.
- Look for the good in situations. You are on this earth to learn from your experiences. Looking for the good in situations you don't like is one way to learn from unfortunate events.
- Try to understand others, and try to see the good in them. When people act in ways you don't like, try to understand why they might act that way. Also try to also notice the good qualities they do have. This is an important method of developing the qualities of forgiveness and tolerance in yourself.
- Develop reminders to help you maintain your perspective. For example, this reminder can help you maintain a spiritual perspective:
- I am an immortal spirit
temporarily incarnating to learn from life. My progress is measured by
the love in my heart, and not through petty conflicts or by material
attainments. I do not have to resort to pettiness or anxiety. I can be
unhurried and undisturbed by the inconveniences in life.
Sometimes just remembering these simple phrases can help you keep a more balanced perspective and let go of attachments. - Relax. Don't take things too
seriously. Lighten up. Don't be so intense.
Always try to relax for a moment or two while repeating a reminder.
Thoughts Affect Others!
thoughts affect other people. On a physical level, your thoughts affect what
you say and do, and that affects other people. Your thoughts affect your
posture, your tone of voice, and your facial expressions all of which have an
effect on others.
there are also reasons to believe that your thoughts can affect people on a
spiritual or psychic level too. People are spirits incarnated in a physical
body. Since spirits can communicate with each other it is also possible that
incarnated spirits can communicate on a spiritual level. Have you ever known
what someone was going to say before they said it? Many people have had at
least some small psychic experience. So, even though you might not be aware of
being psychic, there is good reason to believe that at some level mind to mind
influence can occur between people.
is one reason why you should try to be charitable in your thoughts of others.
Try to understand why other people do the things they do. Don't suppress your
thoughts, but try to understand why you might have negative thoughts. Let your
thoughts and emotions express themselves, but still try to see things from
another's point of view. Also, in your own mind try to make the distinction
between your emotions and your intentions.
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