Spiritual Healing

Friday 20 January 2017

How to Create a Work Plan!

Organization is the key to success in any project. A work plan can help you to stay organized, meet deadlines and complete all the steps involved in your project. It forces you to plan out every detail. You can create a work plan for your whole team or a personal work plan for your own project. Ideally, you work plan should last about six to 12 months, though you can easily make adjustment.
Write down the goal of your plan. This should be the ultimate outcome--what you want to accomplish.
Set a goal date for your plan.
1.Break it down into smaller steps:-  
These are all of the tasks that you need to do in order to complete the project.
2.Arrange the tasks in the proper order:- 
There are often things that you must do before you can attempt other tasks.
3.Break your tasks down further:-  
If any of your main tasks have smaller tasks that you need to accomplish, write those down too.
Work backwards from your goal date to set dates for each of your tasks. For example, the final task before completing your goal should happen a day or two before your goal date; the task before that may happen a 4.week before the goal date:-
Schedule each task into your daily and weekly plan. This ensures that you do all of your tasks on time.

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