Spiritual Healing

Showing posts with label Easy Meditation Yourself!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easy Meditation Yourself!. Show all posts

Friday, 4 September 2015

Easy Meditation Yourself!

Learn how to ground yourself with this easy meditation.  Use it whenever you are feeling off balance, or when you feel flighty after doing energy work or readings.
1. Prepare and Get Ready to Ground Yourself:-
1:-Turn off all electronic gadgets:  cell phones, televisions, etc.
2:-Find a nice, quiet place where you can be alone for about 15 - 20 minutes. 
3:-If you can do this meditation outside with your bare feet in the earth (on the beach, in the grass, etc.)  it  will enhance your experience.
4:-Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your feet planted on the ground.
 5:-  Make sure you do not cross your legs - you want energy to flow through you.
Let your arms hang comfortably at your sides or rest your hands (palms up) on your lap.    
Take a moment and make sure your body is comfortable.
2. Breathe:-
1:-Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
2:-Breathe in through your nose, slowly and deeply.   
3:-Feel your stomach expand as you breathe in.  Exhale and feel your stomach relax.
4:-Focus on breathing this way for a couple of minutes until it becomes rhythmic and effortless.
5:-Take a few moments and allow your body to completely relax.  Tension is being released from all your muscles.    
Notice how good you feel.
3. Begin the Visualization:-
Imagine a magnificent gold light radiating down through your crown chakra.  The light feels warm and safe.
Allow it to slowly flow through your body, touching and opening each chakra.  As it reaches your root chakra at the base of your tailbone, you become aware that your energy centers are opened and balanced.
The gold light continues to move through you, all the way to your feet.  It is a gentle, yet powerful light.  It flows through the bottoms of your feet and into the earth.  It moves like a waterfall until it reaches the core of the earth when it anchors itself.
4. Now the Fun Begins:-
You gently slide down the gold waterfall into the center of the earth.  When you arrive, you are amazed at how glorious the scenery is.  There are vibrant trees, flowers, and of course, the divine gold waterfall.
You see a bench that looks warm and inviting.  You sit down in the midst of all this nature.
You  inhale deeply and remember that you are sitting in the core of the earth.  It feels amazing that you have learned to ground yourself so effortlessly.
You notice a large hole near the bench.  This is the place to dump all of the excess energy that you've accumulated.  Any flighty or anxious feelings placed in this hole will be re-purposed by the earth and used for the good of humanity.
Let it all go!  You don't need to hold onto anything that doesn't belong to you.  Take as long as you need flushing excess energy into the earth until your body feels grounded.
When you are done, a beautiful white light emits from the hole.  It pushes you back up and into your body.  Though you are in your body, you still feel completely anchored to the earth.  Your experience has shown you how to ground yourself with ease.
When you feel ready, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.  Any time you feel ungrounded, close your eyes and remember your visual trip to the core of the earth.

mind healing