Psychotherapist who specializes in couples
therapy, believes that relationships don’t require hard work. They do require
“attention and intention.”

When you first see
your spouse, instead of having a negative or even neutral interaction, greet
them with a positive statement, Bush said. It could be anything from “I’m glad
to wake up beside you” to “I’m so happy to be married to you,” she said. The key
is to be positive and loving.
2:-Send a sweet text:-
Use modern-day
technology to stay connected throughout the day by sending your spouse a
playful, flirtatious or sweet text, Bush said. Write anything from “I miss you”
to “I can’t wait to see you tonight,” she said.
3:-Reunite with a hug:-
Often people will
reunite and it’s unconsciously thoughtless, Bush said. For instance, partners
might focus more on checking the mail or criticizing, such as “Why didn’t you
cook dinner?” or “Why didn’t you take out the trash?”
Instead, any time
you reunite with your partner, “have an intentional hug that lasts 20 seconds.”
This is actually longer than the average hug, and it’s “long enough for
oxytocin, the bonding hormone, to be released.”
Touch your partner at mealtime:-
When you’re eating
dinner together, make it a point to touch your partner. You might touch their
hand or arm, or your legs might touch, she said.
5:-Compliment your partner at the end of the day:-
Many marriages, Bush
said, suffer from chronic under-appreciation. Partners don’t feel appreciated,
and they, too, don’t show their appreciation, she said. The relationship
becomes clouded by a “sense of lack and taking each other for granted.”
She suggested
couples end the day by thanking each other for one small act they did that day.
It could be anything from “Thanks for picking up the dry cleaning” to “Thanks
for making dinner” to “Thanks for hanging out with my family.”
Not only does your
partner feel appreciated after your compliment, but “you start to train
yourself to look for the good. You focus your attention on the things they do,
not just what they don’t do.”
6:-Express your needs from a place of vulnerability:-
Often people will
criticize as a way of describing their needs, Bush said. So instead of a
request, it comes You’re always
on the computer.
Instead, try: “I’d
like to spend some time with you. Could you spend some time with me?” This
invites a dialogue between partners, she said.
Feel each other’s breath:-
This might sound
like a strange practice, but it’s a powerful way to enhance your intimacy. Put
your hands on each other’s chest or belly and feel your partner’s breathing,
Bush said. Synch your breath together for one minute. Some couples also look
into each other’s eyes.
Some days you probably won’t feel like showing appreciation or being affectionate. You might be in a miserable mood or downright exhausted. But try it anyway.
Some days you probably won’t feel like showing appreciation or being affectionate. You might be in a miserable mood or downright exhausted. But try it anyway.
If you do a loving
behavior, you start to feel more loving,” Bush said. She likened it to feeling
depressed. You don’t want to do the things that will make you feel better.
And, yet, when you do the things that make you feel better, you feel better.
Also, keep in mind
that time with your spouse is finite. People don’t realize that their
relationship can end because of a divorce or death, Bush said. She works with
many grieving spouses, who would “give anything for one more hug and kiss.