1. Utilize Your Hand more which is less-Used:-

2. Study about New Topics:-
research about human brain has revealed this fact, regularly Reading new stuff
surely boost your brain skills & mind abilities, especially when hands
& eyes will coordinate themselves. It proves a useful tip to fresh up your
3. Work Out For the Sake Of A Healthy Brain:-
If you
want a sharp & a genius mind, you must have to work for it! You should make
it fit and healthy by recalling daily happenings and news. Try to augment your
brain memory on a daily basis; remember your shopping list or contact numbers
etc; besides, you may exploit your intelligence by playing different chess
games or some word puzzles etc. try to learn any poem by heart, and then make
listen it in front of any others. It will be a good brain exercise.
Furthermore; stop using calculator for simple calculations now! Just try to do
them yourself.
4. Fingers Exercise:-
exercises develop your brain capabilities as said by the research studies. Your
fingers are closest to the brain that’s why they can impact efficiently on your
brain; thus you should keep fingers movement when you have a spare time. A
simplest fingers exercise is given for you whom you can do any time without any
Put a
hand’s fingers on the other; hold a pencil between index finger & middle
finger. Roll up it between middle and ring fingers after keeping it balance.
Then roll it up between little and ring fingers. This exercise is very
effective for brain intelligence.
5. Rub Down Your Head:-
You may
strengthen your brain effectively by massaging your head. An easy exercise is
also beneficial for brain which is being written here:
Put your
both hands in cross-form back to your head in such a way that your thumbs are
touching the corners of your neck. Now sit down on a chair, take your head a
move back. Keep Forcing on the back with the help of thumbs & index
fingers. Breathe deeply through the nose and exclude it out from the mouth.
Maintain your body in a relax manner. Do this exercise 3 to 5 minutes. It will
make blood circulation better with settle down your neck muscles. Moreover; if
you are mentally tensed, you may feel repose after following this simple