If you believe your body is vulnerable, if you believe the least
little germ or the latest epidemic is going to get you, then it probably will.
If, on the other hand, you believe you are safe, your body is safe, your body
is healthy and that its natural state is one of perfect balance, your body will
probably reflect that back to you.
Your Mind Is Like A Magnet:-

The Power Of Your Mind:-
A report in New Scientist (November 2001) revealed that just
thinking about performing strenuous exercise can actually affect your body. A
team led by Dr. Guang Yue, an exercise physiologist at the Cleveland Clinic
Foundation in Ohio, studied 10 volunteers between the ages of 20 to 35 who were
asked to imagine exercising one of their little fingers five times a week.
After a few weeks, the strength in their fingers actually increased
The Placebo Effect:-
Studies have shown that thinking you are better can produce
significant positive changes in recovery. This phenomenon of positive thinking
is known as the placebo effect. Thus, a patient who takes a placebo (a
substance containing no form of medication) may think they are going to improve
because they believe the placebo is an actual drug.
When you have confidence that a medical treatment is going to be
successful, or that you are going to recover from an illness quickly, you are
more likely to achieve these results. Many patients who receive placebos report
an improvement in their medical condition, despite the fact that they didn't
receive actual treatment or medication.
One Harvard Medical School research study on the power of the mind
in curing illness produced a wealth of scientific data, as well as anecdotes
from patients, which established that "remembered wellness" (another
term for the placebo effect) was a major factor in relieving serious medical
Optimism and Healing
An optimistic outlook can definitely be a factor in how well you
heal from an injury, an illness or surgery. Those who maintain a positive
outlook often enjoy life more than those who are negative-minded, but are they
any healthier? For many people, the answer is "yes."