1. Sunlight and whole foods send breast cancer into
The American physician Dr. Zane Kime used sunbathing and
nutrition to cure his patients. Even in terminal cases, Dr. Kime was able to
completely reverse the metastasized cancer.
2. The sun's light kills bad bacteria:-

3. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders:-
such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.
4. Sunlight lowers cholesterol:-
The sun
converts high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and the sex
hormones we need for reproduction. In the absence of sunlight, the opposite
happens; substances convert to cholesterol.
5. The sun's rays lower blood pressure:-
Even a
single exposure significantly lowers blood pressure in individuals with high
blood pressure. On the other hand, pharmaceutical drugs such as Statins have
side effects, such as robbing the body of Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is essential for
cellular and heart energy.
6. Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse
the blood and blood vessels:-
Medical literature published in Europe
showed that people with atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) improved with sun
7. Sunlight increases oxygen content in human blood:-
And, it also enhances the body's capacity to deliver oxygen to the tissues;
very similar to the effects of exercise. The sun has a great effect on stamina,
fitness and muscular development.
8. Sunlight builds the immune system:-The white
blood cells, which increase with sun exposure, are called lymphocytes, and
these play a major role in defending the body against infections.
9. Regular sunlight exposure increases the growth and
height of children:-
especially babies. Many cultures throughout history
have recognized this fact. Studies have shown the amount of sun exposure in the
first few months has an effect on how tall the person grows.
10. Sunlight can cure depression:-
The noon
sunshine can deliver 100,000 lux. When we sit in offices for the best part of
the day, out of the sun, under neon and artificial lights (150-600 lux), we are
depriving ourselves of the illumination of nature. Sunlight deprivation can
cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of
depression. It is more common in winter months, but also common in people whowork long hours in office buildings.