Spiritual Healing

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Work backwards!

RATHER THEN PROJECTING .....................your present difficult situation into the future, take your situation to its extreme and then work backwards to the present.Look at your particular circumstances. Ask yourself: ' what's the very worst that can happen?Think about what you'd do if it happened.Then when you take yourself back to the present it will be easier to face.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

It could be Worse!

WHEN  YOU 'RE  DOWN, try jolting yourself out of the depths by imagining a situation worse than your own.Visualise with all your senses.Empathise.Return to your own situation.Now that you've established a sense of proportion you'll have a new outlook.You'll see that your problem is manageable.

Monday, 25 August 2014

A mistake is a gift!

DON' T  BE  TOO  PROUD  to admit when you've been wrong.A mistakes offers you an unparalleled chance to have another go, to reflect on what has been done and to do things differently next time.Your challenge is to be humble enough to see your mistake.Then you can do something about it.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Finding your path!

WHEN  DISTRESSING  THINGS  HAPPEN......................................it's as though you're in a maze and can't find the exit.Visualise this scene of many paths and one way out.Follow each path; notice what you see along the way.Who do you meet?Are there any signs?As you explore and gather information, you'll find the way out.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Walk away!

DON'T BE AFRAID TO WALK AWAY from a confrontation.You're not a coward or a shirker.
Sometimes disengagement is appropriate, particularly when emotions  are running high.
Every situation is different.It's helpful to tell the person before you leave that now is not the time to discuss the matter, that you'll talk when you've both calmed down.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Language is important!

IF YOU CAN ALWAYS SPEAK IN  'I', 'ME' and 'My' Terms in a painful situation , You'll avoid blame and abuse.By not antagonising the other person,you'll be able to prolong the communication.If you use 'I','Me' and 'MY' you'll get in touch with what you really think and feel.You'll give the other person a chance to understand where you're coming from.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


DO YOU HEAR what your 'opponent ' has to say or are you concerned with your next sentence?
If the latter is the case, you won't move from your belief in the rightness of your position.Because you don't listen, you're inclined to misinterpret.If you're too busy following the line of your own argument  you've lost you way.It won't advance you.It will only entrench you.Listen and learn.

mind healing