Spiritual Healing

Sunday, 4 May 2014


HAVE A GLASS OF WINE................or a piece of cake anything you don't normally yourself.
Let go of your judgemental 'parent' and remember that it's not wrong to indulge occasionally.
Enjoy your indulgence!

Saturday, 3 May 2014


YOU MAY NOT BE COPING NOW, but that's all it is now! It's so easy to generalise from  this thought and tell yourself that you never cope,that you're hopeless and can't do anything well.
Don't become self destructive.Make a list of the things you can do.Shout them to the world and to your denigrating internal voice.Write them down.

Friday, 2 May 2014


FROM   A STRESSFUL SITUATION .......................so that you have time to recover, evaluate and understand.Sometimes it will be impossible to physically leave a situation.At such times remove yourself mentally.Concentrate on an beautiful or scene or repeat an affirming thought.

Thursday, 1 May 2014


NO ONE IS AN ISLAND.We all depend on our own support networks of friends,family,partners and work colleagues.Give thanks to all these important people in your life.Ring one of them or pay them a visit.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


IT'S NOT ALWAYS EASY TO CONTROL YOUR MIND AND EMOTIONS.It takes years and years of learning and understanding,so sometimes it's necessary to do something concrete and physical to break a negative cycle.Acandle flame is a symbol of hope.Make it your symbole and light a candle.Use it as a trigger to shift your mood.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


PLAY A PIECE OF BEAUTIFUL MUSIC .........................................and breathe deeply for a few minutes.On a sheet of  water-coloure paper that has been entirely painted with water,drop pools of coloure.Let the coloure make its own patterns and shapes.How can you interpret them? Look at your coloure choice.What does it symbolise?

Monday, 28 April 2014

Be Grateful!

FOR WHAT TOU HAVE ......................without thinking of what you might have.Be grateful for who you are without thinking of who you might be.You are unique and can't be compared.Find the gift that you have to share.

mind healing