WE TALK ABOUT FACING..............issues and people, about saving face,facing up to things,making a face, putting on a face, showing one's face and coming face to face with a fear or reality.Through your face you explore the world with your senses.You reveal yourself.
Your face represents your self-image.Let your face be pampered.
Healing can only take place when you first seek to understand yourself. Have courage and believe that you can do something about that your problem. when you stop making it insurmountable or someone else's responsibility. Take this step and have faith that then you will receive the help and support you need. Miracles begin in small ways.The frist step and the rest will unfold.
Spiritual Healing
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
WE LEAVE CLUES ..........to our patterns of behaviour lying around everywhere.Look first at the 'faults' in others that particularly annoy or enrage you.These , believe it or not, are clues to a part of your personality you haven't yet owned.
Be humble enough to take another look at yourself in private.
Be humble enough to take another look at yourself in private.
Sunday, 27 July 2014

Saturday, 26 July 2014
There's no Comparison!
IT 'S UNPRODUCTIVE TO COMPARE .......your situation with someone else's or to compare yourself with another person.If you do this you make yourself envious or a victim.In either case suffer unnecessarily.No situation is ever the same as your own,even if it appears to be so.And no person is like you.You are uniquely beautiful.Love yourself for who you are.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Put on your Sunglasses!
IT'S OFTEN THE CASE .........that just when you need to lift your mood you're too entrenched to find a way out.That's when you put on your Sunglasses with the pink, rosy lenses.Go on................it requires more imagination than effort.Notice how everything is suffused with warmth and brightness.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Nothing is Set in Concrete!
DO YOU MAKE RESOLUTION MORE DIFFICULT................by looking at the damage after the event and saying:'There's nothing that can be done now?No matter what has been done or said in the past,you can always change your attitude towards it.It's never too late to make amends.Remember, what is now your present will soon become your past.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Avoid Collisions!
IF YOU GO HEADLONG ...........into battle the chances are you'll be injured.Find a way of operating that isn't confronting or threatening.Treat other people as human beings and try to dissociate your feelings about what they've said or done from a judgement about who they are.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Conserve your energy!
WHEN YOU'RE DEPRESSED YOU..................have no energy,you have no reserves.It's important, then , not to overload yourself.Make sure that you don't take on too much physically, that you get enough sleep, that you don't take on other people's emotional baggage
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Don't be daunted....................!
BY THE ENORMITY OF YOUR TASK or by the overwhelming hurdles you face.You can be absolutely certain of one thing: nothing stays the same and what was once a mountain in time becomes a small hill and then a flat plain.Perspectives change- even from one day to the next.
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Climb a mountain!
MOUNTAINS ARE CHALLENGES.Visualise or climb a mountain.From the top you can see all that you've achieved.If there were nothing left to strive for in life,you'd give up.If you want your future to be different, you'll need to look forward to the next mountain.Begin with one small step and the rest will follow.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Take responsibility!
TO MANY PEOPLE responsibility is irksome.It's a 'Should' word.Think of it this way:response-ability is the ability to respond rather than react.By responding and not reacting you own what is yours.You give yourself permission to do something about an unsatisfactory situation and in so doing you go from being a victim to being a person in change of your own destiny.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Have a relaxing bath!
INDULGE IN A HOT BATH with a few drops of an uplifting essential oil-lemon balm, rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang, geranium. ,basil, chamomile, clary sage or patchouli.Make up your own combinations and sprinkle the oil under the running hot water.Lie back on your bath pillow, shut your eyes and release all negative thoughts.Breathe them out through the pores of your skin.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Get rid of Should!
'SHOULD' IS A DUTY WORD,a heavy, suffering word.It brings guilt and resentment, both negative emotions that will drag you down.Every time you think:'I Should',evaluate your options.If you really don't want to do something say:' No'.
If you decide to do it, then feel only love, anticipation and excitement.
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Blowing bubbles!
.....IS FUN .Dip a thin straw into warm soapy water.As you blow each bubble give it a name.The name represent what you wish to release.Watch the bubble pop and mentally repeat:' I release(name).I am now free to move on'.Breathe out and blow your next bubble.
Monday, 14 July 2014
THE SIMPLE ACT OF COUNTING from one to ten and over again will bring you from boiling point to just simmering.Now instead of having to clean up the mess you've made, you have time to add the other ingredients and check the recipe.Gather your resources and view the whole picture.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
I'm Sorry!
THINK CAREFULLY.Are you the type of person who finds it difficult to apologis because you don't want to lose face?Or do you say:I'm Sorry'out of fear or a sense of over-responsibility?An apology can work wonders, but only if you really mean it and only if you're not secretly resentful or also demanding an apology from the order person.It's no good having a qualified apology either ( 'I' m Sorry but you...............')
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Take a risk!
Say what you've never dared to say.Taking a risk encourages you to become more flexible.Each time you take a risk you rehearse a feeling of fearlessness that becomes stronger each time it is felt.Surrender the known to the unknown.
Friday, 11 July 2014
WITHOUT RESPECT FOR YOURSELF....................................................you ride roughshod over your feelings and neglect your basic needs.You are dishonest with yourself.Without respect for others you become insensitive to their differences, to their right to believe and act differently from you.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Choose your Company!
SURROUND YOURSELF with positive, life-affirming friends who 'll lift you out of your trough of depression.They are the people who will help you------ to move on, to see another side, to reflect on what has passed.Don't let others pull you down further.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Affirm Yourself!
IT'S OKAY TO BE the person you are.You're allowed to mess things up, you 're allowed to be less than perfect, to not cope.When things aren't going well it's all too easy to berate and belittle yourself.Don't to be so harsh.Be kind and loving.Tell yourself that you are okay.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
YOUR SIXTH SENSE or intuition is your gut feeling about a situation or person.Everyone has an intuitive sense, no matter how underdeveloped.You can't pin down intuition.If you want to access your intuition you'll need to look beyond a scientific or rational explanation.Use your intuition to bypass your ego's demands and reach an understanding of the whole picture.
Monday, 7 July 2014
Meditation means the mind is turned back upon itself.The mind Stop all the thought waves and the world stops.Your Consciousness expends.
FIND A QUIET SPACE ..................by yourself.Sit or lie comfortably and empty your mind of all thoughts.Allow your thoughts to float away like clouds in sky.Let them go.Be aware only of the rhythm of your breathing in and out, in and out.Do this for ten or twenty minutes and you'll feel more balanced and relaxed.
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Another Day!
IN ORDER TO MOVE OUT of a difficult situation, picture another day and image yourself in it.This day will be an easier one, a day of your choosing.In your mind's eye make it as vivid as you can.Bring in happy and comforting images from your past.Project your future ideals into this imaginary day.See yourself being there.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Communicate your boundaries!
BOUNDARIES REPRESENT YOUR LIMITS.Only you know your own limits.You have gone beyond them when you feel pain and distress.Know yourself know what you can't accept.Make your limits clear to others so that you don't feel invaded or fearful or abused.Communicate your boundaries clearly and respectfully.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Reality ia an illusion!
THERE ARE WORLDS WITHIN WORLDS.You probably only know one of them.What you think you see and know is only part of what there is to be seen and known.When you can see and hear only a part of the truth, the reality of any situation is distorted.Suspend your judgement and open yourself to the broader picture.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
''SUNNING'' IS THE ACTIVITY of making sunshine!There are plenty of times in life when the situation you face seems so black that you can't imagine a way out.That's when you create sunshine.Imagine yourself bathed in sunshine, warmed and cheered by it.See yourself smiling with the sheer pleasure and abandonment of sunning.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Saying Sorry!
IS AN ACT OF GRACE, not of capitulation.Its shows you have the humility to admit you were wrong or insensitive or lacking in understanding.The act of saying sorry also gives other people a chance to back down from otherwise irreconcilable positions.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Empower Yourself!
BEGIN BY LISTENING TO YOURSELF.What's the most dis empowering thought you hold in your mind?Dissect it.What lies at the heart of it?Contact the associated emotions.You can disown this thought by superimposing another thought.The new thought will be positive.It will give you energy.Think it often.Play it back to yourself again and again.
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