Healing can only take place when you first seek to understand yourself. Have courage and believe that you can do something about that your problem. when you stop making it insurmountable or someone else's responsibility. Take this step and have faith that then you will receive the help and support you need. Miracles begin in small ways.The frist step and the rest will unfold.
Spiritual Healing
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Find a trigger!
Friday, 29 August 2014
Replace pain with no pain!

Replicating pain duplicates it.What you really seek is no pain.Stay true to your aim.As you give love more, you'll also receive more.Give love unconditionally without waiting for its immediate return.
Replace pain with no pain!
Toronto, ON, Canada
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Recognise your Limitations!
ATTEMPT ONLY WHAT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU.Know your own capabilities, strengths and endurance.Don't try to do more out of guilt or fear or comparison.No one else can inform you about your limitations as well as yourself.So listen without judgement.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Work backwards!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014
It could be Worse!
Monday, 25 August 2014
A mistake is a gift!
DON' T BE TOO PROUD to admit when you've been wrong.A mistakes offers you an unparalleled chance to have another go, to reflect on what has been done and to do things differently next time.Your challenge is to be humble enough to see your mistake.Then you can do something about it.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Finding your path!
WHEN DISTRESSING THINGS HAPPEN......................................it's as though you're in a maze and can't find the exit.Visualise this scene of many paths and one way out.Follow each path; notice what you see along the way.Who do you meet?Are there any signs?As you explore and gather information, you'll find the way out.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Walk away!
DON'T BE AFRAID TO WALK AWAY from a confrontation.You're not a coward or a shirker.
Sometimes disengagement is appropriate, particularly when emotions are running high.
Every situation is different.It's helpful to tell the person before you leave that now is not the time to discuss the matter, that you'll talk when you've both calmed down.
Sometimes disengagement is appropriate, particularly when emotions are running high.
Every situation is different.It's helpful to tell the person before you leave that now is not the time to discuss the matter, that you'll talk when you've both calmed down.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Language is important!
IF YOU CAN ALWAYS SPEAK IN 'I', 'ME' and 'My' Terms in a painful situation , You'll avoid blame and abuse.By not antagonising the other person,you'll be able to prolong the communication.If you use 'I','Me' and 'MY' you'll get in touch with what you really think and feel.You'll give the other person a chance to understand where you're coming from.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
DO YOU HEAR what your 'opponent ' has to say or are you concerned with your next sentence?
If the latter is the case, you won't move from your belief in the rightness of your position.Because you don't listen, you're inclined to misinterpret.If you're too busy following the line of your own argument you've lost you way.It won't advance you.It will only entrench you.Listen and learn.
If the latter is the case, you won't move from your belief in the rightness of your position.Because you don't listen, you're inclined to misinterpret.If you're too busy following the line of your own argument you've lost you way.It won't advance you.It will only entrench you.Listen and learn.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Change your mind!
THE SIMPLEST WAY TO SOLVE A PROBLEM may be to change your mind about it.What prevents you from changing your mind?It's often pride and ego and a sense of false loyalty or honour about the position you've taken.Don't take yourself so seriously.Give yourself permission to change your mind.
Monday, 18 August 2014
We're all human!
WHEN YOU'RE IN CONFLICT with someone and you've both dug yourselves into intractable positions, it's useful to remember that the person you're facing is a living, breathing, at times fearful and insecure human being not a devouring monster.Don't demonise.It makes you a victim and it encourages fear.
Sunday, 17 August 2014
AFTER FORGIVENESS comes reconciliation.Reconciliation means moving from a position of hostility to a state of friendship and agreement.It involves reaching out.It brings peace and harmony.It restores balance.Reconciliation provides a firm foundation so you can move on from a position of strength.
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Wisdom grows from experience!
WHEN YOU'RE IN A TROUGH and can't find a way out, remember that it's usually not until you're pushed that you learn.You have the opportunity to grow from a painful experience, so don't deny or reject new experiences.Let them bring you wisdom, and make your life easier.
Friday, 15 August 2014
Yes You can, no you can't!
DO YOU BATTLE WITH YOURSELF over the things you can't do?
Can 't is often based on fear and guilt.
Can is empowering and opens your mind to possibilities.
Can requires courage.
You have the ability.
Be affirming and assertive and say: 'I can , I can,I can!'
Can 't is often based on fear and guilt.
Can is empowering and opens your mind to possibilities.
Can requires courage.
You have the ability.
Be affirming and assertive and say: 'I can , I can,I can!'
Thursday, 14 August 2014
YOUR BEST PROTECTION from pain and hurt is to be honest with yourself and with others.You can be honest without being brutally honest there are many ways to speak the truth.You deceive yourself when you lie in order to protect others from hurt.It's more likely you're protecting yourself from confronting something you'd rather no face.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
The Heart Centre!
WHEREVER YOU EMOTIONS HAVE LED YOU,always bring your focus back to your heart, the centre of love.Meditate on your heart.Feel its beat.Breathe into and out from it and mentally repeat the words ''Love''.As you breathe you mantra feel the essence of love, of giving lovingly receiving lovingly.
The Heart Centre!
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Eat Carbohydrates!
DID YOU KNOW that eating foods high in carbohydrates such as bread an d pasta increases the serotonin in the brine?Serotonin is a chemical that not only helps induce sleep but also wards off depression.Make sure carbohydrate-rich foods are part of your diet.
Eat Carbohydrates!
Toronto, ON, Canada
Monday, 11 August 2014
Attract good things to your life!
DO YOU HOLD deep-seated beliefs that prevent good things happening to you?
Do you think you don't deserve happiness?
Do you believe happiness only comes to others?
Do you really desire it?
Define what happiness means to you.Imagine good things coming into life now.
Do you think you don't deserve happiness?
Do you believe happiness only comes to others?
Do you really desire it?
Define what happiness means to you.Imagine good things coming into life now.
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Relaxing Breath Exercise!
exercise is utterly simple, takes almost no time, requires no equipment and can
be done anywhere. Although you can do the exercise in any position, sit with
your back straight while learning the exercise. Place the tip of your tongue
against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it
there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth
around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward.
- Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
- Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
- Hold your breath for a count of seven.
- Exhale completely through your
mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
Make exercise a habit
working out in the morning. According to one study, 75 percent of morning
exercisers stuck with their routines, as compared to only 25 percent of evening
exercisers. Plus, “you start your day off with a high burn, and get your energy
up and metabolism running,”
Friday, 8 August 2014
Eat for better sleep
The classic sleep prescription of a small bowl of cereal and milk has scientific backing. The combination of protein and carbs triggers your brain to produce serotonin, its sleep-inducing chemical. (Not actually hungry? Try a cup of warm milk, which might help bring on sleepiness too.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Standing Shoulder opener!
Beginning your practice with this pose will prepare the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and chest. Stand on your mat with your feet hip-width apart and your leg muscles strong and engaged, toes spread and lifted. Interlace your fingers behind you, inhale, and lift the sides of your chest so your shoulders are level with the base of your neck. Move the tops of your shoulders backward with your chin slightly lifted, and imagine your shoulder blades connecting to the back of your heart. Exhale; lengthen your arms away from your body and shine out through your heart, feeling a fullness inside. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Stop slumping to stress less
BELIEVE IT OR NOT! the way you sit can make you feel more stressed. So build in posture checks throughout the day by setting an hourly alert on your phone or computer. When you hear it ding, follow these simple steps: chin up, shoulders down, feet flat on the floor. Proper posture will naturally expand your chest so you take in more oxygen, which in turn helps calm your body’s physical and emotional response to stress
Monday, 4 August 2014
IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU, ..........a round peg, should try to fit into a square hole.......that's the job of a contortionist!What it does mean is that you take a good look at both the round peg (yourself )and the square hole (your impossible situation). With a bit of trimming the peg might fit quite well.Or perhaps you'll find that the hole isn't as square as you thought.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
The Garden of Eden!
THE GARDEN IS A METAPHOR .........for your ideal situation.Imagine it.Paint it strongly in your mind so that each step you take will be a step towards its manifestation.You won't achieve your ideal all at once, and you may alter it along the way.Don't underestimate the power of your mind to bring about physical change.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
Go Sailing!
BLOW AWAY YOUR TROUBLES..............and the cobwebs!Feel the wind in your hair and on your body.Feel free.Enjoy being out in the open, facing the elements.Find the brave soul within and you'll be able to face life's trials.Courage, determination and willpower will take you a long way.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Let go of the Controls!
“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.''
WHEN A SITUATION GETS OUT OF HAND ....................a common response is to frantically try to control it.Control feels safe.The pitfall is that the ego is involved, which means you'll assert control at someone else's expense.The ego doesn't want to see the whole picture because it's driven by fear rather than by love.Learn to relinquish control.Instead listen and seek to understand.
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