Healing can only take place when you first seek to understand yourself. Have courage and believe that you can do something about that your problem. when you stop making it insurmountable or someone else's responsibility. Take this step and have faith that then you will receive the help and support you need. Miracles begin in small ways.The frist step and the rest will unfold.
Spiritual Healing
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Healing Way!

how to use your
mind, body and soul to free yourself from pain and illnesse
''stress is harmful''
You would think that
by now we would take that advice and find ways to decrease the stress in our
My favorite way of
decreasing my stress is using my creativity.
It seems that when I
increase the time I spend creating something, I am at peace with myself.
Creating makes the time pass, and at the end, I usually have something
beautiful. Not everything that I create turns to gold!!
Sometimes I
struggle, but when I do, I usually put things to the side for a moment.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Healing and Wellness!
Do you have
something that really helps you to focus on healing and wellness?
If not you should
begin to find some healing ways.
Using your
imagination, think of something that really makes you feel well. Maybe it is
just looking at some old pictures of family and friends. Or your healing ways
could be practicing the piano or singing a song in your car as you drive along.
Each person has
their own specific way to heal themselves. And to make a full transformation to
wellness and health, you may have to develop yourself by finding personal
meaning and love in the things that you do in life.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Mood Healing red rose!
Red is a very
powerful color that can help you in many ways. Just looking at a rose brings a
smile to my face.
The color red is the
color of loving moments with that special person. Red roses signify love and
But red also goes
deeper into your subconscious, bringing some strength to your internal being.
When I wear red, I can feel its power and strength.
Red and oranges are
my power colors when I want to bring some strength into my life.
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Mood and Movement Healing!
Find ways to move.
Dancing and walking can help with your mood. Change your ways to a more
positive you by free spirit dancing.
Just move around in random movements. I do this in my yoga class. I have
students get into the flow of movement.
Walking also helps me with my mood.
When I move my body, It instantly changes my mood to a better one.
Monday, 15 September 2014
"We know we
can’t always avoid stressors in our life, but one thing we can do to prepare
for that is to have healthy food choices in our refrigerators and cabinets so
that when those stressors come up, we can reach for something healthy rather
than going to a very convenient but high-fat choice,
Junk food is
obviously bad and can lead to weight gain.
Psychiatry shows that stress experienced prior to eating a high-fat meal lowers
your rate of metabolism, making it even harder to keep the pounds off.
We know, it is possible to change your habits.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Write yourself a letter of appreciation!
IF YOU DON'T APPRECIATE YOURSELF and your own capabilities you'll be easily pulled down by other people's negative comments.It's easy to take for granted the qualities you have.Do you say: 'Everyone can do that, can't they?' or 'Isn't everyone like that?When you receive a compliment?The next time you receive a compliment, write it down and stick it to a mirror or the fridge.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Make a difference!
THE ATMOSPHERE YOU GENERATE as a result of your thoughts and your actions influences the people around you.Think about how you can add to spirit of life rather than subtract it.You have the power to change the world around you.Don't underestimate or neglect this power.Nurture it.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Be an active Participant!
IN LIFE and you'll sail more easily through adversity.If you're passive and wait for things to happen to you, you're not seizing your own freedom.You always have a choice in every situation.You can choose your attitude as well as your action.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Raising energy!
WHEN YOU'RE DOWN,Your energy becomes scattered and depleted.Visualise a spiral of light moving from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.Breathe in energy.Alternately place your hands on your solar plexus while you breathe into and out from it.Leave your hands there for at least five minutes.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Sleep Better At Night!
Did you know that certain nutrients can help you sleep better at night and be more productive and energetic during your waking hours?
Emotional issues such as stress and anxiety can prevent you from sleeping properly and can lead to insomnia. To avoid it, consider adding some delicious foods rich with these seven essential nutrients to your daily diet to fall asleep faster and sleep better at night. They work like a charm!
Saturday, 6 September 2014
The ripple effect!
WHEN YOU THROW a pebble into water, ripples ruffle the surface.They spread out in ever-widening circles until they disappear and the water is still once more.Think of your difficult situation as that hard cold pebble.What are the ripples you've created around your pebble?Who beside yourself is affected by what you've caused?Take time to reflect on the relationship between what you do and what energy you give out to others.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Clean out your wardrobe!
PASS YOUR OLD CLOTHES on to someone else.Your clothes cover and protect you.They are your interface with the world.They represent how you see yourself and what you show to others.By passing on your old clothes you make a symbolic act of change.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Heroes and heroines!
PROVIDE MODELS OF BEHAVIOUR.They inspire and uplift.They represent your ideal.Find your heroes and heroines in history or books or present-day life.Read about them.Note what qualities you most admire.Pin pictures of your heroes and heroines in a prominent place.Look at them often.
Monday, 1 September 2014
WHEN A SITUATION BACKFIRES..............................you're often determined to act differently the next time.But determination will desert you in the pressure and emotion of the occasion if you haven't done some homework.Visualise yourself in the situation and act it out as if you were there.Use your five senses to bring your action alive.Practice will hasten a new pattern and improve your chances of success.
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